About Copper

The copper used in all my jewelry is pure copper.  It has a warm tone and a nice weight for a substantial feel in your hands. It is also a solid metal, so no worries of material wearing off over the time.

The color of copper starts out with a pinkish, new penny color.  When left exposed to air, it will naturally darken over the time and develop a lovely, chocolate brown patina which is popular among many chainmaille fans. If you prefer your copper to be bright and pinkish, just dip your copper jewelry in lemon juice or household white vinegar in full strength for a few moments till the tarnish disppears.  Then follow up with a good rinse with some dish soap and warm water, then pat or blow dry thoroughly with a hair dryer in low settings to remove all moisture.  To prolong the bright pink hue, store the cleaned item in a Ziploc type bag when not in use.

That's it, no elbow grease needed :-)


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